Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 01, No. 02, 2008 [ISSN 0974-1143]
Table of Contents - 1st July 2008

Ban on Tobacco Consumption - A Right Step to improve Public Health ...67
Guest Column:
Military Physiology in India. G. Ilavazhagan...68-69
Review Article:
1. Black tea: TheFuture Panacea for Cancer., T Das, G.Sa, S.Chattopadhyay and B.Saha...70-83
Original Article:
2. Effects of H1-receptor anagonists indepression tests in rats., CC Khanwelkar, DV Gokhale, AV Sontakke and SS Patil...84-92
3. Survey of Knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuuscitation in nurses of community-based health services in Hainan province., CHEN Xiu-zhen, ZHANG Rui-lian, Fu Yan-mei, WANG Tao...93-98 Download
4.Rapid Economic, Acetic acid, Papanicolaou Stain (REAP) -Is it suitable alternative to standard PAP stain? R Roy Biswas, CC Parel, R Dey and SC Biswas...99-103 Download
5. The central nervous system depressant activities of Mycotoxin MT81 and its Acetylated and Benzoylated analogues, M Gupta, UK.Majumder, G Roy and S Choudhury Maity...104-114 Download
6. Gait measures and dynamic weight bearing in young and elder trans-tibal amputee using PTB prosthesis with SACH foot, PK Lenka, K.Ratnesh and DN Tiberwala...115-125 Download
Short Communications:
7. Effect of suryanamaskar practice on cardio-respiratory fitness parameters: A pilot study. PM Bhutkar, MV Bhutkar, GB Taware, V Doijad and BR Doddamani...126-129
Case Report:
8. Nocturnal snake bite - A challenge to diagnosis and treatment., P Khan, M Athar, Minhaj and SL Chandargi...130-132
9. Post Repeat Lower Segment Caesarean Section Cervicovesical Fistula., VA Thobbi, S Rajendra Kumar, S.Kamdod and SB Patil...133-135 Download
10. Lateral Thoracic Maningocele : Anaesthetic implications., Nazeer AK, Minaj A, S Mendolkar and AMG Mahaldar...136-138 Download
11. A Case of Tuberculosis of Maxillary Sinus., AA Kakeri, AFH Patel,BN Walikar, MV Watve and SM Rashinkar...139-141. Download