Editorial: Absolutism in the Medical fraternity
by Khaira H ... 83-84
Review Articles:
1. Exploring the scope of telehealth in Indian settings in health care delivery and in medical education
by Shrivastava SR & Shrivastava PS ... 85-87
Orginal Articles:
2. The study of risk factors associated with lumbar disc prolapse in north Indian population
by Ekramuddin et al ... 88-91
3. Online anatomy lecture using zoom application and its learning experience of undergraduate medical students
by Sby Saha S et al ... 92-100
4. Scapular morphometry- A study in West Bengal population with literature review
by Biswas A et al ... 101-107
5. Effect of Online- Virtual Class and Internet Addiction in Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic
by Upadhayay N ... 108-118
6. Comparative study of lipid profile and lipid indices in stroke patients and healthy subjects
by Basu E et al ... 119-127
7. Expertise and impediments in pressure ulcer nursing care - A cross sectional study
by Chaudhary S & Singh N ... 128-136
8. Effect of intervention on knowledge of E- waste management amongst dental students: An institution based study
by Vibhute NA et al ... 137-141
9. Subjective well-being and its correlates among students of a medical college in Kolkata, West Bengal: A cross-sectional study
by Panja TK et al ... 142-150
10. Assessment of risk of depression among the antenatal mothers attending a tertiary care hospital of Kolkata, India
by Sain S et al ... 151-158
11. Prevalence and characterization of adrenal incidentalomas on computed tomography – A hospital-based retrospective study
by Shivapur AA et al ... 159-168
12. Oral health awareness and tooth brushing behaviour among high school students in a rural and an urban area: a comparative study
by Joseph L et al ... 169-171
13. The perinatal outcome in pregnancies with Novel Corona Virus 19 infection - A pilot study
by Ramabhatta S et al ... 172-175
14. Need and utility of Choice-based Credit System in higher education in India
by Shrivastava SR & Shrivastava PS ... 176-177