Editorial: “AI-Eyes Healthcare” – A glimpse into the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare and the possible implications in Indian Scenario
by Jadhav AP and Jadhav PT ... 180-184
Review Article:
1. Traditional lipid profile and underdiagnosis of chronic complications in diabetic population in Nigeria
by Myke-Mbata BK et al ... 185-191
Orginal Articles:
2. Bacterial profile and Antibiograms in urinary tract infection
by Gupta S et al ... 192-196
3. Effects of short term yoga training on body composition and cardio-pulmonary functions on healthy male
by Manna I ... 197-204
4. Caesarean section our experience
by Choudhari G & Choudhari A ... 205-209
5. Determination of weight of human brain for population of Ethiopia- an Autopsy Study
by Ingale D et al ... 210-216
6. InTranscanal tragal cartilage plug tympanoplasty: An alternative approach for management of small and medium sized ear perforations
by Baruah B et al ... 217-220
7. Study of cervical lymphadenopathy
by Jadhav RB et al ... 221-224
8. Teaching innovation in the dental curriculum: student feedback and future aspects
by Sharma S et al ... 225-229
9. Unguarded and unfavorable atmosphere for the immigrant women workers
by Shrivastava SR & Shrivastava PS ... 230-231