Oats: Prospects and Challenges in India
by Singru SA & Bhosale SB ... 1-2
Original Articles:
1. Prevalence and epidemiological determinants of obesity in rural Pondicherry, India - A community based cross-sectional study
by Shrivastava SRB et al ... 3-10
2. Measurement of distance and angle between the arytenoids in eastern Indian population and their applied importance
by Ganguly S et al ... 11-15
3. Knowledge, attitude and practices of infant feeding among mothers in rural field practice area of vantamuri primary health centre, Belgaum – A cross sectional study
by Kengalagutti BM et al ... 16-21
4. Antioxidant property of aminophylline in rat brain
by Pal M et al ... 22-27
5. Association of entrance examination marks with physiology academic performance in medical students
by Upadhayay N et al ... 28-34
6.Viscosupplementation with Hyaluronic acid as an Adjuvant to Diacerein in improving Pain, Stiffness and Physical function in Primary Osteoarthritic Knees: a 1 year follow-up observation study
by Tripathi DR et al ... 35-44
7. Optimum utilization of megavoltage teletherapy machine in developing countries
by Gupta P et al ... 45-49
8. Prevalence of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease among type-2 diabetes mellitus patients– A cross-sectional hospital based study
by Jali MV et al ... 50-54
9.Comparison of intra operative muscle relaxation and neuro muscular recovery from continuous infusion of vecuronium and atracurium in ASA grade I @ II patients undergoing midline and paramedian laparotomies
by Basu R & Sinha I ... 55-63
10. Clinical and neuroimaging correlation in patients with cerebral sinus venous thrombosis
by Mangshetty B & Reddy K ... 64-71
Short Communications:
11. Comparison of CDC, WHO and IOTF growth references in relation to overweight and obesity in college adolescents of North Karnataka, India
by Banjade B et al ... 72-76
12. Comparative study of cold pressor response in children of hypertensives and normotensives
by Loya NS & Tambe AS ... 77-80
13. Improving hand washing among school children: an educational intervention in South India
by Shrestha A & Angolkar M ... 81-85
14. Averting Drug diversion in Healthcare settings
by Danasekaran R et al ... 86-87